Many cases in life make us have many bad feelings and this is caused by anxiety. Anxiety is a strong feeling that something bad or awful is going to happen. Anxiety is an experience of unrest, apprension or agitated worry. Anxiety is the fear in absence of real danger; a fear of something not clearly understood. Anxiety, fear and guilt are three identical and dedicated emotional worker that are always ready to destroy you courage, faith, ambition, goal, etc. if not taken care of. They overestimate the negative or threatening aspect of a situation while drawing your attention away from the POSITIVE or REASSURING aspect of life. The victim is left feeling concerned, restless, irritable and fidgety.
False belief, change in society {shifting values, economic instabilities, etc}, unmet needs, past experience, you temperament, etc may cause you to be anxious “BUT ALWAYS KNOW THAT ANXIETY IS AN ENDLESS IN WHICH THE ONLY WAY IN IS THE ONLY WAY OUT-bolajie” i.e. no gain from being anxious it just a waste of time will consequences just know that everything is in control don’t relent, work hard and NEVER GIVE UP.
Anxiety can also b e prevented in many way which have worked for me and I want to share with you:
- Listening to motivating music. Example { ; , , etc} there are many of them out there.
- Get adequate rest, exercise, recreation
- Talk to close friend about problem {stay away from criticism}
- Imagine the worst thing that could possibly happen
- Live one day at a time: probably 98% of what we are anxious about never happen.
- Don’t put things off
- Set time limit on your worries.
Remember, anxiety is like energy always created but can’t be destroyed but can be converted. Convert your anxiety to your motivation. “Little anxiety coupled with great hard work and diligence equal to progress but more anxiety less hard work and diligence equal to problems. Think Right!!!